לימודי המשך |
How to Mess With Separation Distress By Steve Dale, Certified Animal Behavior Consultant
Clicker Training for Your Pets By Kellley Bollen, MS, CABC, Certified Animal Behavior Consultant
Training Shelter Dogs and Cats to Increase Adoptability (shelters) By Kellley Bollen, MS, CABC, Certified Animal Behavior Consultant
VETERINARY OPHTHALMOLOGY FOR THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER WEBINARS - PART 1 & 2 From January 2022 we are holding two 8-part webinar series on Veterinary Ophthalmology for the general practitioner with Prof. Ron Ofri Please see the Webinar Programs and Course Overviews below. If you would like to book your place on these webinars, please email info@eickemeyer.co.uk Veterinary ophthalmology for the general practitioner – Part 1 Veterinary ophthalmology for the general practitioner – Part 2 8 part webinar series with Prof Ron Ofri. 10th January to 9th May 2022 1 1. Ophthalmic examination made easy 2. Challenges in eyelid surgery 3. Diseases of the lacrimal system. Beyond Cyclosporine and Schirmer Tear Test 4. Uveitis. It’s a clinical sign, not a diagnosis 5. Glaucoma: Understanding & treating a leading, and painful, cause of blindness 6. It’s all about the optic nerve! Cranial Nerve II diseases and blindness 7. Unusual diseases of the feline cornea 8. Ophthalmology of exotic pets Speaker: Prof. Ron Ofri Course fee: GBP 360.00 + VAT r series with Prof Ron Ofri. 17th January to 16th May 2022 1. Feline keratoconjunctivitis. It`s all about herpes and stress!: 2. Only 0.5 mm separates you from disaster! Surgical treatment of corneal ulcers: 3. The cornea. It`s not only ulcers!: 4. Fifty shades of red. The diagnosis and treatment of the "red eye": 5. Applied anatomy of the fundus – making sense of what I see in the ophthalmoscope: 6. Doctor, will my dog see again? Examination, assessment and differential diagnosis of the blind patient: 7. Why do our canine patients go blind? Acquired retinal diseases in dogs: 8. Why do our canine patients go blind? Inherited retinal diseases in dogs: Speaker : Prof. Ron Ofri Course fee: GBP 360.00 + VAT
of laser therapy in your practice
• Review of what laser therapy provides
• Understanding the versatility of laser therapy within your practice
• Does everyone in the practice understand laser therapy?
• Pricing laser therapy
• Current marketing strategies
• You prescribe it!!
• Techniques to measure your integration progress
• “Kick start” Techniques
• What does laser therapy add to your practice? • Purchase a therapy laser that fits your practice now and in the future • Power, why is this important? • Wavelength • Software: There are differences! • Trust the manufacturer • Warranty and service • Education: Integration into the practice and beyond וידיאו של ההרצאה
3 ימים – הרצאות ומעבדה רטובה במתחם IM3 בדבלין, אירלנד – 10-12/4/2019
Dates: Friday-Saturday, February 8-9th 2019
לצפייה בקובץ לחץ כאן
Location: The Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Beit-Dagan